Increase traffic tricks, furmulla, and methods.
let's start with some of the free methods to increase website traffic.
the basic thing that gives traffic to your website, blog, page etc is the search engine. so here is some of the tips, that will increase your traffic.
search engine optimization (seo):
let me explain what is a search engine, and how many search engines are available today.
a search engine is a website or tool, that gives us search results from the internet. when we need to know about something, a perticular query word, we go to the search engines, and they give us related websites. eg. if you search by "seo traffic for your website" and if this page is indexed in any search engine, then this blog will be displayed in the search results.
so, the question is how to get your website indexed, in any search engine? this is a very tough question, as it takes months to index a website, or even more. but we can get your website submitted in any search engine quickly as well. just read through, and you will know the tricks.
then what are the big search engines.
- google
- yahoo
- msn
- ask
- alexa
- rediff
- live(same as msn.)
there could be thousands of search engines, impossible to list all.
every search engine, accepts your website, so you can go to any search engine, and find the add url, to just simply add your website to that search engine. then after, about 2-6 months you can simply wait, and after that your website will be reviewed and you may find a place in the search engine. in most cases, the search engines after review, don't accept websites.
then what is the easy way?
the answer is backlinks.
how can we get backlinks, there are a few methods.
- writing articles.
- directory submission.
- paid directories.
- link exchange.
there are a lot of methods, but i strongly suggest, not to exchange links. we will discuss about the rest of the methods.
before going in to that, let us first understand one thing very clearly, before adding articles or directory submission, always check the google page rank, and if the rank is more than 1 then you should submit there, else forget that website, search any other site.
what is google page rank.
this is a method of google to determine which website is better. if you have a page rank of 5 and the other website has a page rank of 4, then there is more chance of you to get the first position in the search engine, above the other websites.
how to know google page rank?
google page rank is available in the google toolbar, then sometimes you will see that the page rank has been removed from the toolbar, then you will have to go to the options of the toolbar. then just select the page rank to be displayed on the toolbar.
then go to google, and do a search for submit article, or free article submission etc. all the websites that are available, will be displayed. before that, write a great article. and then just start submitting that article to every article submission website possible. this way your article will be displayed in a lot of website. don't forget to see the page rank of the website, if the page rank is 0, i mean less than 1, then don't submit your article there. because if you do so, then the chances are that your website will be banned. a banned website shows no page rank. it is known as the gray shade on the page rank button.
remember, don't over do this. if google or any other search engine will found that, you are doing too much optimization, then you may fall in problems. better search for page rank 6 website for article submission.
then comes the directory submission.
what are the famous website that do directory submission?
to start with,
- dmoz (page rank 9)
- (page rank 9)
- v7n directory
there are many, but only go for page rank 6 and above for free directory submission, and don't give them your backlink. and for the paid ones if you want to do some expence, then try the page rank 7 and above. remember one page rank 7 website is as good as 100 page rank 6. so try the higher page rank(pr) websites only.
we will talk about the optimization more in the comming posts.