To start with go to the Webmaster central.
In the Webmaster central of google, signin. You will need a google account to proceed.
Then open your blog, and copy your blog’s url.
Then come back to the Webmaster central and add your blog’s URL there. Once you add your blog, it will ask you to verify your blog.
Then click on verify, and choose a verification method.
Select Meta tags verification. After that copy the Meta tags that is displayed there.
Copy the Meta tags and then open your blogger account. In your blogger account, go to template and then on the lower tab edit current. In the template, just below the head, paste the code. Then save the template changes and republish your blog.
Then click on the verify, and you will see the verification acknowledgement.
Then in the Webmaster central, click on the submit a site map.
Then you will be asked, about sitemap type.
Select their general sitemap.
Then come back to your blogger account again, click on the settings tab, and there click on the sub tabs site feed. After that, copy your site’s feed.
Then paste the feed as your sitemap.
You will get another acknowledgment as sitemap added. It takes some time, before your sitemap is verified. Then a lot of your pages will be indexed.
not able to view the site feed in setting, sitefeed tab. pl. help to take further step on google indexing
not able to view the site feed in settings sitefeed tab of my site. pl. help to take further step in google indexing..
dear aarani:
if this is your url for example:
then your feed will be
atom.xml at the end of your url.
it will look something like this:
The adding sitemap to blogger also can be in:-
both are okey to be used, I have try it.
replace your site to more good skin.
yes, the atom.xml or rss.xml both works!
Rahadyan Permana said...
replace your site to more good skin.
yes, but then already a lot of stuffs have been added, so am not trying to change the template and mess it all!
but then may be some day, i will go for a better skin!
thanks for the advice!
Thank you for this clear lesson ... Now I got a sitemap =)
I have submited my blog to google sitemap which URL ended with both rss.xml ,and i receive an error stated as below:
Paths don't match
We've detected that you submitted your Sitemap using a URL path that includes the www prefix (for instance, However, the URLs listed inside your Sitemap don't use the www prefix (for instance, [?]
Is that mean i need to resubmit my blog URL to Google Webmaster tool again?
Please help me.
Thank you .
Hey, this is an awesome blog you've got here!! I'm definitely going to bookmark it! By the way, I found aawesome site that has similar kind of webmaster's kind of stuff! If you get time, check it out.
Thank you so much for all the detailed info. I had been trying to get my site verified and a sitemap added and I actually got it done ~ Thanks to everyone-Much Appreciated!!
I ran into this problem once too. I set up my website in webmaster tools as rather than
Because my xml sitemap's links pointed to while the domain setup with Google lacked the 'www', google read me that same error.
I had to fix it by deleting the original google profile and recreating it to include the 'www'.
maybe this will help.
Happy Adventure,
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